
21 May 2024 - Invited talk at Imperial College London

Presenting ClimateSet together with my co-author Charlotte Lange.

01 Mar 2024 - Invited talk at

Introduction to machine learning for climate emulation. I very much enjoyed the in-depth questions!

19 Feb 2024 - AI4Snow kick-off

Starting to support the AI team of the [AI4snow]( project initiated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

08 Jan 2024 - Alpine Snowdragon

Starting to support the National Avalanche Warning Team in Tirol with re-training snowdragon for their Alpine dataset.

01 Jan 2024 - Starting an internship at the SLF

Starting my internship at the Snow- and Avalanche Research Institute (SLF) to get more hands-on and field work experience in the cryosphere domain.

16 Dec 2023 - Poster at the CCAI Workshop 2023

Julien Boussard presenting our work 'Towards Causal Representations of Climate Model Data' at the Climate Change AI Workshop at Neurips.

14 Dec 2023 - ML4Cryo Talk at AGU 2023

Going to AGU for a few days for an invited talk about community building for the ML4Cryo community.

12 Dec 2023 - ClimateSet at Neurips 2023

We presented our work at the Datasets and Benchmark Track at Neurips. We are happy that so many folks showed up!