
Field work, science support, mountaineering, and a mix of other outdoor activities that shape my research and who I am.

Fieldwork Davos

Snowpack-stability tests in Alpine region

Snow- and Avalanche Research Institute (SLF)

Avalanche risk management is so integral to the Swiss culture that it was named an Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO). It shapes the identity of the people living here, and both empirical and as well as cultural practices have been guarding the highlanders from avalanche hazards. There is no better place than the Snow- and Avalanche Research Institute (SLF) to learn how avalanche works, how to assess their constant risks during alpine ski-touring, and how to deal with an avalanche once it got triggered.

avalanche safety avalanche first aid alpine touring
@Swiss Alps, Davos, Graubünden

Jan 2024 - Jul 2024

Juneau Icefield Expedition

Juneau Icefield Research Program 2023

Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research

The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) is a unique life experience where students can learn from nature in nature. We have traversed the Juneau Icefield, starting in Juneau, going up to Atlin, following the invisible trails of students and scientists of the past 75 years. The program builds upon the motto “Nature, Books, and Action”, and gives students a cross-discplinary entry to glaciology.

glacier travel crevasse safety training wilderness first aid small engine repair camp maintenance field logistics navigation science support handling and usage of science equipment expedition behavior
@Alaska, United States of America@British Columbia, Canada

Jun 2023 - Aug 2023